Inspiration from David Lisle

Instrumental Inspiration: Our Violin Corbel

As creative thinkers, it is in our nature to constantly seek and discover new ideas and approaches to innovate our practice. These inspirations can be on a larger, more long-term scale, such as our recent endeavour into sustainable kitchen design, or a sudden ”light-bulb moment” regarding a design detail. Our violin corbel is a perfect example of an often-overlooked piece of functional support that we have adapted into a feature piece in its’ own right.

Whilst on a visit to Italy’s musical capital, Cremona, David was intrigued by the infamous city’s many luitai, (or violin craftspersons). The intricacies of the hand-carved violins displayed in shop windows struck David whilst strolling through the cobbled streets of the city, and he immediately envisaged the perfect application of the soft curves of the instrument in his own practice.

Scroll dimension and designs

Scroll dimensions and design, by Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu, 1735.

This led him to create an elegant corbel design, exclusive to David Lisle Kitchen Design. Made from solid timber, the corbel is a cool, sleek take on the infamous heavily ornate design, perfectly suited to more minimalist, modern spaces or as part of an eclectic fusion of styles.

Maple corbel

This maple corbel supports the decorative curved mantle above whilst bringing its’ own aesthetic detail in our showroom in Macclesfield.

Having the ability to design and craft details such as our violin corbel is the true beauty of being an independent, bespoke interior design practice. Our creativity can fully lead the way with each individual space and client, opening up a whole realm of opportunities that would never be possible without a bespoke design.