Inspiration from David Lisle

New-Builds: When to Contact Your Interior Designer and Why

When it comes to building a new property, the obvious procedure may seem to go something like this: Firstly, the construction - plan the design of the build with an architect, and allocate spaces and rooms. Then, towards the end of completion, contact an interior designer or furniture manufacturer to decorate. However, we at David Lisle Kitchen Design, alongside many other interior designers, would argue that this is not necessarily the best approach.

What some architects and builders don’t take into account is that for a home to function at its best, the exterior must harmonise with the interior. This means that during construction planning, spaces need to be assigned thoughtfully and carefully, considering such aspects as the sun’s path throughout the day, the flow throughout the house and the atmosphere you want to create.

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Merging three rooms into one resulted in this open-plan, easy-flowing kitchen and dining room

At David Lisle, we believe that the most important room to allocate correctly is the one in which everybody spends most of their time- the kitchen. This is not just a case of choosing the largest space or the first room you enter into from the exterior, it really needs to be the best room in the house.

Starting with a blank canvas

The easiest way to find and create that perfect space is to contact an interior designer as soon as your plans are drawn up, before any building work has begun. This may seem premature, but doing so will make such a difference in your resulting space.

By bringing their plans to our showroom, our clients, David and the architect can work together to ensure that every structural and atmospherical aspect is considered. David may suggest altering or enlarging windows to amplify the amount of natural light, or our clients may decide to move the kitchen to a different room entirely, making use of stunning views which may have otherwise not been considered.

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Giving the stunning views of The Peak District justice by working with the architect to add this rustic oak orangery.

Not only is it beneficial in creating the perfect atmosphere, but contacting us early can have huge practical and cost benefits too. Installing plumbing for an island sink, for example, is much easier to do during the building work than it is afterwards. The same can be said for electrical outlets. Making decisions about the placement of such things with us before building work begins means that there is no need to re-route any plumbing or wiring, saving both time and money.

By collaborating with both us at David Lisle and their architect from the get-go, our clients can expect the most-used room in their house not only sits pride-of-place, but was put there easily, efficiently and professionally.